Sunday, May 23, 2004

I saw A Day Without a Mexican over the weekend. The mockumentary follows what happens when one day all of California wakes up to find a third of its population missing in a rapture-esqu disappearance. Of those missing--anyone of Hispanic descent except for one latina news reporter Lila. The movie, while delivering a serious message of the contribution latinos make to Californian society, is also comical. My favorite--when a crazy conspiracy theorist claims that all the latinos were abducted by aliens. His proof: A picture he has of a man named Jose wearing a sombrero. The sombrero, when overlaid by a transparency of a UFO lines up exactly.

The good points of the movie proclaimed how much people of Latin American descent contribute to California--it is sad that that can even be a question in a person's mind.

California's economy would not survive or be as thriving as it is without the Hispanic workforce--documented and undocumented. Los Angeles itself is very much a first world city that sits on top of a third world city. Interesting to think of American cities in that light.

..perhaps I'll expand more on this in the near future.


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